I am Leandra Joubert. I am walking the path and navigating this saga of what we call chronic illness, feeling the weight of uncertainty and the daily struggle of a body that often feels like it’s betraying me. I know what it’s like to face the scepticism of medical experts and the misunderstandings of a world that often doesn’t see your invisible battles.

I have a bachelor's degree in Drama and Theatre Arts, an honours degree in Psychology, and an MA specialisation in Gender Studies. I am a Specialist Wellness Counsellor registered with the Association of Supportive Counsellors and Holistic Practitioners (ASCHP) and have dedicated my education and career to understanding and supporting the well-being of others.

My book, "The Chronicles of Illness," is a profoundly personal project inspired by my own struggles with chronic illness and undiagnosed conditions. Despite the absence of a precise diagnosis, these health challenges have profoundly impacted my daily life, leading me to step down from my position as a lecturer at one of South Africa's largest universities.

However, my passion for the arts and mental health continues to drive me forward. When I'm not battling illness, I find joy in singing. This creative outlet and my commitment to exploring and understanding chronic illness fuels my work and writing. Through my book, I hope to shed light on the often-overlooked experiences of those living with chronic illness, offering both insight and empathy.